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Beyond plastic

Tell Amazon: It’s time to move beyond single-use plastic packaging

Tell Amazon: It's time to move beyond single-use plastic packaging

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PIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for the public and stand up to special interests on problems that affect the public's health, safety and wellbeing.

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I like that PIRG digs down and finds ways the system has been rigged against our long-term welfare and tries to translate that into legislative and legal action at the state, local and national levels. Nick Bridge, Member
When I buy something, I think I own it. I don't want to have to ask anyone's permission to open it up and try to fix it.
As there is ever more to be done, I like that WashPIRG works to solve important issues while educating the public about them, and is playing an active role on many fronts. Frank Kroger, Member
I decided to support an organization that doesn’t seem to rely on partisan politics to accomplish goals, and as a pediatrician, I have been especially interested in OSPIRG’s projects that impact the health of children and infants... Patricia Jett, Member
Through calling on companies to change their practices, I hope for an industry that is never inherently unsustainable to shop from. Prissila Moreno, OSPIRG Vice Chair, OSPIRG Waste is out of Fashion campaign coordinator at the University of Oregon